
How Teens Can Get Ready To Start Their Own Business

You’ll see the occasional story in the news about a young person, perhaps a teenager, who has started their own business and made it into a runaway success. However, as inspiring as these stories might be, the reality is that this is a rare event (which is why it’s such an exciting news story), and […] Read more…

How To Stay Relevant In Your Career For Decades To Come

Just because your set of skills is in demand right now, you can’t be sure that it’ll always be that way. That’s why it’s important to think about how you can adapt your skills and make sure they stay relevant in your career, well into the future. But how do you do that? There are […] Read more…

How To Decide What Rent Adult Children Should Pay Their Parents

What, if any, is an appropriate rent to charge your adult children, once they start earning money themselves is a thorny subject, fraught with problems.   Some parents are horrified at the thought of asking their offspring for any money to cover their board, others feel it’s a necessary evil, and some feel it’s the right […] Read more…

Handwritten Missives Are So Much More Than Just Words

Do you remember when your Mum reacted with such pleasure at those handwritten cards you made for her at pre-school, and how she usually stuck them on the fridge or made a montage of them somewhere at home?   Many were probably just splodges of paint, or letters written back to front. But it didn’t matter. […] Read more…

5 Tips For Building A Successful Career From The Start

It’s never too early to start thinking about your career. In fact, the earlier you start planning, the better off you’ll be. Building a successful career takes time, dedication, and hard work. But it also takes more than just that. Here are five tips to help you get started on the right foot. Via Pexels […] Read more…

Eating a Family Meal Together – Why It’s So Important

When everyone in your family is leading a busy life, it’s hard to find time to get Mum and Dad, brothers and sisters, all around the table at the same time to eat a family meal. Siblings are off doing their own thing. Parents are juggling a thousand different demands on their time. But they […] Read more…

Top 12 Fun Ways to Spend Your Free Time Online (Because Life Isn’t Just About Work)

It’s no secret that the Internet is a place filled with virtual opportunities. But, if you spend most of your time at work or just sitting in front of your computer in general, it might seem like there isn’t fun to be had. But trust us: There are plenty of hidden gems out there waiting […] Read more…

You Can Make A Living Gaming (And Shut Your Parents Up!)

Pexels (CC0 License) We’ve all been in this painfully annoying situation. You’re peacefully playing video games in your room, only for your parents to constantly complain about it. They say it’s not good for you or it makes you antisocial – despite the fact that gaming has probably helped you make numerous friends and develop […] Read more…

Now You’ve Passed Your Driving Test – So Now You Want A Car!

Taking, and passing your driving test, is thankfully one of the few things you don’t have to worry about again until you are at least around a hundred years old, that’s why it’s such an achievement. If you’ve passed, shout it loud and proud. Rip up those L plates, and just remember one thing.   Don’t […] Read more…

Celebrate Pride by Not Having Awful Tinder Dates

It’s Pride Month, meaning that, for a lot of people, it’s time to express yourself, get out there, and maybe find a little romance while you’re doing it. However, a lot of people, especially shy people, are finding it tough to navigate the modern dating landscape that seems to be all centered around the Tinder […] Read more…